Saarland University, European Institute for Advanced Behavioural Management (EIABM)
A modern research university located in Saarbrücken, the capital of the German state of Saarland, and Homburg. It was founded in 1948 in Homburg in co-operation with France and is organized in eight faculties that cover all major fields of science.
Internationality has been a defining feature of Saarland University ever since the university was established.
The university is located in a part of Europe that defines itself by the shared borders between Germany, France, Luxembourg and Belgium. This region forms the basis for the close international ties that the university enjoys. Saarland University is dedicated to promoting and extending its international activities in academic teaching, research and administration. The university provides opportunities for students, and teaching and research staff to spend time working abroad, and offers a warm welcome to international students, scholars and researchers from around the world.
The Europa-Institut is among the very few socio-economic research centers to focus primarily on European integration. Its European law and MBA in European Management programmes uniquely focus on opportunities emerging from an expanding and more integrated Europe.
The MBA programme is coordinated and run by the Economics Section at Saarland University's Europa-Institut. The programme can be studied either part time or full time. The courses are taught by university teaching staff or by international guest professors. The range of courses on offer is very broad and includes lectures covering such areas as "International Management", "European Economics" or "European Law" and topics of major current relevance, such as "Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility" or "Marketing and Management in Emerging Countries".
People, markets and moral!
Managing successfully with(in) Europe is our vision for our graduates who come from all over the world. In our MBA programme we therefore provide the opportunity to learn, among other things, how to deal with the various remaining national differences in a united Europe and specific cultural differences. “Managing with(in) Europe” means on the one hand all the operational and strategic activities necessary for companies working within Europe. On the other hand it relates to the challenge for companies outside of Europe to do business with Europe.
Against this background the ongoing European integration means both opportunity and challenge for the managers: the opportunity is to discover the diversity of the Member States and to be fascinated by their country-specific attributes; the challenge is to use these differences successfully in the background of entrepreneurial objectives. The MBA programme “European Management” is therefore convinced that a modern formation of managers should not only impart professional knowledge but also the cultural diversity as a framework requirement. People should always be regarded as the designer of every kind of commercial relation. Therefore our programme focuses on three aspects people, markets and moral:
- People because management deals with people, with their needs and their cultures. Besides, people are employees and customers.
- Markets because management deals with markets. In the end, the market decides on success or failure.
- Moral because management deals also with the responsibility both towards environment and employees.
At the end our graduates are prepared for “Managing with(in) Europe”.
- Saarbrücken
Saarland University EIABM / Europa-Institut; Campus, Building A5 4 1st floor, room 1.07, 66123, Saarbrücken